

Web, mobile

Customer location



E-commerce, vehicle services

Team size

4 specialists


Web development, mobile development, CRM system integration


Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, element-ui, Vue 3, Vue-i18n, WebSocket, Quasar Framework, Cordova, Capacitor, Nginx, Docker, Firebase


The APEX Consulting team has built an Avtokraska.kg mobile app that helps a Kyrgyz vehicle service company Mobi Plus sell its items and services. The app provides buyers with a rich catalog of services and items for vehicle maintenance, including automotive paints. Besides, we created a CRM system that integrates with the app. It helps the customer manage the data on its service workers and administer its loyalty program. 


Our team had to ensure smooth connectivity between the mobile app and the CRM system. We were also required to implement convenient catalog management features as per the customer’s demands. Besides, APEX Consulting specialists had to enhance the CRM system with a rich staff management functionality. A solid work scope had to be delivered within strict time limits. 


We applied a rich scope of technologies to provide the result in the shortest terms and adapt it to all customer requirements. In particular, we applied Node.js for the fast development of a strong app backend. Vue 3 became our main frontend solution, while Cordova was used for cross-platform development. 


As a result, in less than 6 months, we delivered a system that involves a customer-facing mobile app and a complex CRM system. Our solution provides Mobi Plus with the following features:

  • Dynamic product and service catalog;
  • Service station catalog;
  • Item purchase options, including bulk purchase functionality;
  • Functionality for managing employee loyalty programs;
  • Functionality for managing the delivery of goods in Bishkek and Chui regions;
  • Management of data on service station employees;
  • Functionality for managing mobile app catalog of items and services, list of categories, catalog of promotions, and list of service station locations within a CRM system. 
  • Customer support functionality;
  • Analytical features for order processing and sales management. 


We provided Mobi Plus with a complex CRM system integrated with a mobile app that enhances the customer’s efficiency. The main benefits that the Avtokraska.kg solution brings to the customer are the following:

  • Enhanced sales within the network of Mobi Plus service centers;
  • Increased employee retention due to loyalty management functionality;
  • Improved customer support, which increases customer communication and, thus, customer satisfaction;
  • More efficient item and service management;
  • Complex cross-platform solution delivered in less than 6 months.