

Web, mobile

Customer location



Financial data management

Team size

5 specialists


Web development, mobile development


Node.js, MySQL, Quasar Framework, Vue 2, Socket, Cordova, Capacitor, Firebase


The APEX Consulting team has developed a mobile app that enables entrepreneurs to manage a catalog of goods. Besides, it works as a commercial CRM system that saves and securely stores cash receipts after each transaction with a cash register. 


While working on this project, we had to pay much attention to security because the app stores a lot of financial data. Besides, our specialists had to implement a convenient data management logic. We also had to utilize an efficient cross-platform development approach to make the app run on mobile devices and personal computers. Finally, to ensure that the app would bring real value to the users, we had to enhance it with diverse finance management functionality. 


Our team utilized Node.js backend and Quasar frontend to deliver a highly-productive CRM platform for finance and finance data management. We also applied the Cordova framework for cross-platform development. As a result, the app efficiently runs on both mobile devices and personal computers. 


The developed solution includes the following features:

  • Functionality for managing the catalog of goods that includes TN VED code search and item classification with bar codes;
  • Functionality for managing the catalog of services with classification codes for the types of economic activity and service barcodes; 
  • Cash transaction processing integrated with a catalog of items and services;
  • Issuance of cash receipt documents for all processed cash transactions;
  • Cash shift management functionality;
  • Analytics on processed cash transactions. 


Our team has developed an efficient CRM system that helps entrepreneurs:

  • Manage their catalogs of items and services more efficiently with code search and item classification features;
  • Automate cash receipt reporting;
  • Manage cash registers and processed transactions more efficiently.


Besides, our system smoothly runs on both mobile devices and personal computers. It is currently applied by hundreds of small businesses all over Kyrgyzstan.