Gazprom Oil Asia



Customer location



Oil and gas, oil refining

Team size

5 specialists


Web development


Laravel Framework 5, JavaScript, Front Controller, Active Record, Bootstrap 3, CSS


Gazprom Oil decided to enhance its online presence in the Kyrgyz Republic. The APEX Consulting team provided them with an excellent web solution. It is a user-friendly and scalable website that stores significant loads of data on the company’s services, goods, and prices. Besides, the platform provides users with personal cabinets and a tender system for significant purchase requests. 


The APEX Consulting team had to utilize the best web development technologies to deliver a web platform that can store and process significant loads of data. Besides, we had to pay much attention to security because some information stored on the website is confidential. The platform also includes personal user cabinets that also store personal information on various company customers and tender participants. Finally, we had to implement the tender logic on the website. 


Our team used the combination of Laravel backend and JavaScript frontend to deliver a scalable and user-friendly website. Besides, the platform is rich in functionality. In particular, it provides: 

  • General information on the company’s activities;
  • A catalog of petroleum products and their prices within the network of Gazprom Oil Asia;
  • Tender section for the company’s counterparties that offers the opportunity to receive a package of tender documentation;
  • Personal accounts for all buyers and tender participants. 


The customer received an interactive and feature-packed web platform developed according to all their requirements. Our solution helps them:

  • Find new customers in Kyrgyzstan and other Asian states;
  • Organize tenders to find the most lucrative deals with customers;
  • Manage customer requests; 
  • Increase their visibility and online presence in the Kyrgyz Republic.